
How to Make White Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies like Model Bakery

Hazelnuts, white chocolate, what’s not to like in a cookie? After the english muffins were such success from Model Bakery, I wondered what else could I make. Naturally I started looking straight at the cookie section and saw these beauties.

The amount of white chocolate in here is kind of ridiculous, and this recipe makes HUGE cookies. As in you can only fit 5-6 on a baking pan at a time big. I was originally rolling normal size cookies and had way too much dough left over, so basically had to add another 1/2 cookie to each dough ball I already made to align with the recipe. Can you make the cookies smaller? Sure. But, you shouldn’t, because why have a small cookie, when you can have a big cookie? Simple logic if you ask me.

Anyways, these are ridiculous. I have a friend who doesn’t eat chocolate (weird, I know), and these were perfect for him. Also got a virtual Paul Hollywood handshake from them, so I felt pretty accomplished there.

Cookbook – The Model Bakery

Ingredients –

  • All-purpose flour – 2 1/3 cups
  • Baking sode – 1 tsp
  • Fine sea salt – 1/2 tsp
  • Unsalted butter – 11 tbsp – at room temp
  • Light brown sugar – 3/4 cup
  • Granulated sugar – 3/4 cup
  • Large eggs – 2 – at room temp
  • Water – 2 tbsp
  • Pure vanilla extract – 2 tsp
  • White chocolate chips – 2 cups – This is a shit load of chips (a whole bag actually), so feel free if you want a slightly less loaded cookies
  • Chopped hazelnuts – 2/3 cups – Do your best here, I bought pre chopped hazelnuts because thats all I could find nearby. I also toasted them at 350 F for 5 minutes before adding them to the batter

Tools –

Step 1 – Quick Toast the Hazelnuts

Preheat to 350F. Place the chopped hazelnuts on a baking tray, bake for 5 minutes, should be slightly browned and a little fragrant.

Step 2 – Make the Cookie Dough

Position racks in top and bottom thirds of oven, lined two baking sheets with parchment paper. Keep oven at 350 F.

Mix the flour, baking soda, and salt into a bowl, set aside.

In a stand mixer bowl fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar together on medium speed, occasionally scraping down the sides. About 3 minutes. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then add the water and vanilla. Reduce the speed to low, mix in the flour in thirds, mixing until just combined. Stir in the white chocolate and hazelnuts

Try not to eat too much cookie dough, but I can’t help myself sometimes.

Step 3 – Shape and Bake

Ok so, these are some big freaking cookies. So just remember that. Shape them into large rounds, and place at least 3 inches away from each one on the baking sheet.

Bake, switch the pans from top to bottom half way through. Bake until the cookies are lightly golden around the edges, about 17 minutes. Let the cookies cool on the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to wire cooling racks to cool completely. Repeat with the rest of the dough when the pans have cooled.

And done, try not to eat them early! Make sure to wait for them to set and cool, I promise you will be rewarded.

And for the ratings –

  • Difficulty of ingredients – 3/5 stars – A simple trip to the store is probably needed
  • Perceived difficulty – 1/5 stars – Pretty easy
  • Difficulty after recipe – 1/5 stars – Pretty darn easy
  • Time taken – 2/5 stars – Less than an hour
  • Taste – 5/5 stars – I mean wow, what’s not to like really. Fits my flavor profile and was baked perfectly
  • Make again? 5/5 stars – OHH yeah.

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