
How to Make Pancakes Like Cowgirl Creamery

My girlfriend said this was one of the best things I have made her, and only took about an hour our so start to finish. As easy as pancake mix is, there is always something missing, and this takes you away from a traditional syrup topping, which is nice.

Cowgirl Creamery is an amazing artisan organic cheese producer in Point Reyes, I don’t think there is a cheese I don’t like from them. Even better that it is local. A cookbook may seem weird for a cheese producer, but when you do a little digging and start to learn more about owners Peggy and Sue’s background, it starts making sense. Peggy spent 17 years at Alice Water’s famous restaurant Chez Panisse, and Sue co-owned Bette’s Oceanview Diner in Berkeley. So they know a thing or two about the business. This is one of Sue’s favorite pancake recipes, and one of mine now as well.

I know it might seem weird using cheese, but it actually make them fluffy and the results are amazing. Let’s get to it.

CookbookCowgirl Creamery Cooks

Recipe – Ricotta Pancakes with Strawberries and Whipped Cream


  • Strawberries, halved – 1pt, 300g (I had a little less than needed but is not a big deal
  • Sugar – 1/2 cup – 100g
  • Eggs – Seperated – put the yolks in one bowl and the whites in another
  • Cottage cheese or Ricotta cheese – 1 1/2 cups (I used ricotta and had slightly less than the amount)
  • All purpose flour – 1/2 cup
  • Salt – 1/2tsp
  • Canola oil

For accompaniment:

  • Melted butter or
  • Creme fraiche or
  • Whipped Cream – I used this and made it myself

Tools –

  • Griddle / pan
  • Three bowls

Step 1 – Prepare the berries

In a small sauce pan, place the berries and sugar over medium low heat until the sugar dissolves. Set aside.

Step 2 – Egg yolk mixture, Flour mixture, Egg whites

In a large bowl, briefly whisk the egg yolks and then add the milk and continue for another 30 seconds. Then start folding in the cheese of your choosing.

In another bowl, add together the flour, salt, and sugar, then pour into the egg/cheese mixture.

In your egg white bowl, using an electric mixer or by hand (I went by hand), beat the whites on medium-high, until they are stiff but not dry. Then fold the whites into the batter until combined.

Step 3 – Make the pancakes!

Use a very light amount of oil, or even just a good non-stick pan will do the stick, on medium heat. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, ladle batter onto the pan, make sure to leave some space in between each one. Once you start seeing some bubbles on top, flip and then continue to finish out the batch!

Give the berries a quick warm up, serve with strawberries, whipped cream, or your choice of toppings.

Feel free to write in the comments below some of your favorite pancakes and anything you would try differently!

And for the reviews –

  • Difficulty of ingredients to find – 3/5 stars – should be a normal trip to the store
  • Perceived difficulty going into recipe – 3/5 stars – requires a little effort
  • Difficulty after recipe – 2/5 stars – Getting the heat right on the pancakes is the only hard part
  • Time taken – 2/5 stars – less than an hour
  • Taste – 4.5/5 stars – Very very good dish, amazing thing to have for breakfast if you have the time
  • Make again ? 4/5 stars – yes definitely!